Many people come to kinesiology with a problem or an issue they want to resolve – perhaps it is a niggling pain, a stressful work project, a hard break-up, public speaking, over-eating, difficulty conceiving, or a desire to improve their 10km running times.

Life presents us all with periods of challenge and has a way of stretching us out of our comfort zone. Goal setting is our chance to grab the reins, sit firmly in the saddle and enjoy the ride. It puts the power back into our hands as you get to decide what you want to create, how you want to feel, and how you want to respond to what life hands you.

Why do we set goals in a kinesiology session?

Goals provide a roadmap and a clear direction for the session. They act like a spotlight shining light on a dark path, showing you where to go and what obstacles to avoid.

In kinesiology, you don’t just write down your goal on paper and leave it forgotten at the bottom of the drawer. During your session, we use muscle testing to find the techniques or protocols that you need to achieve your unique goal.

The benefits of goal setting

  • Clarity and Focus – Goals help you identify your priorities and focus your time, energy, and resources on what matters to you.

  • Motivation and Inspiration – Goals give you something to strive for and create a sense of purpose and excitement. Meaningful goals help you to stay motivated, overcome obstacles and persist in the face of challenges.

  • Measurable progress – Goals provide a benchmark for measuring your progress. You can track how far you have come and seeing this progress reinforces your efforts and boosts your confidence, encouraging you to keep going.

  • Personal growth and development – Setting goals challenges you to grow and develop. They push you beyond your comfort zone and encourage you to acquire new skills.

  • Accountability and Responsibility – Goals hold you accountable for your actions and results. When you set goals, you create a sense of responsibility to follow through on your commitments.

What makes a good goal?

Learning to set goals is an art. It takes practice and using a framework can be helpful. The SMART goal format helps to create goals that are well defined and easier to work towards.  

What is a SMART goal?

A SMART goal is a framework used to set objectives that are specific, measurable, action based, realistic, and time-oriented.

Goal areas you can focus on in a kinesiology session

If you are feeling stuck about what goals to focus on, it might be helpful to think of setting goals in the following 9 areas –

Goal setting in the Wellness model vs Medical model

In kinesiology, we focus on what the person is wanting to achieve, to be, or to have happen.

We don’t use diagnostic words, so we don’t balance for “getting over my irritable bowel syndrome.” Instead, we balance for how you would be if there was no problem. For example, “My belly would feel comfortable.”

Then you can refine the goal further by asking what would you do if you could have a belly that is comfortable?

You might say, “I would enjoy eating pizza with my family on Friday nights with a comfortable belly.”

Preparing a goal for your kinesiology session

A good goal is the key to a successful kinesiology session so have fun thinking about and creating some goals for yourself. They don’t need to be perfect. Just write some ideas down and we can discuss them and refine them during your session.



