The style of kinesiology that I practice is a very complementary, holistic and participatory approach. This means I am part of your health team and not a replacement for your medical professionals or allied health practitioners. I don’t diagnose, prescribe or treat named diseases so keeping regular appointments with your GP and/or specialists is important for your overall health.

I practice holistically and consider how your presenting problem or goal impacts your whole being (eg. physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual). During your session we will determine the most appropriate techniques that your body needs to re-balance itself so you can achieve your goal.

My participatory approach to sessions means you get to be actively involved in the process. The techniques are not done to you, rather, I aim to highlight what your body is communicating, where the energy is not flowing, and how to shift to return your being to balance. You can gain more effective connection and communication with your body and enhance your ability to handle the stress or situations that come your way. Through this educational approach you also learn tools and techniques that you can use outside of the session to keep you on track with your goal and improve your quality of life.

If you are new to kinesiology, here is an example of the typical structure of a first session:

  • Firstly, we’ll briefly discuss your health history to clarify any details and identify potential physical, mental or emotional patterns.

  • I’ll answer questions you might have about kinesiology. I will also show you what muscle testing feels like and what it can do.

  • We’ll talk about your desired outcomes for the session and establish a goal, so we have a focus for the time together.

  • We will determine several measurable benchmarks related to the goal, and an objective gauge to measure your progress.

  • Most sessions involve an assessment of the body’s energies which is done by testing muscles for each of the major acupressure meridians. We do this by applying gentle pressure while you attempt to hold the muscle in position. This is not painful or strenuous and takes place fully clothed.

  • Once the initial energy pattern is identified, we then test various acupressure points and circuits to find, then fix the problems related to the goal. This testing uses the same gentle pressure technique as before. The techniques are unique for your body, goal and issue. For example, if I saw three people today with goals around sleeping well at night, each person would require a different balancing technique because of their unique situation.

  • Once all the circuits are cleared and the body’s energies are balanced, we go back to the benchmarks that we established earlier to show that the entire system is now “on-line” and that the problem activities are now improved or eliminated.

  • We then work with you to create a plan to help you gain control of your energies and convert them to positive outcomes, long after this session is over. This includes determining which techniques would be helpful for you to use outside of the session.

Kinesiology is a wonderful modality that helps you make the most out of your life. I look forward to working with you soon.



